Creates a blockchain-based hedging
risk management channel between the vendor manufacturer and the international customer
"Move resources back and forth."
System fragmentation makes it difficult for buyers to find trustworthy sellers, and for upstream suppliers, which are often small companies, to prove their track record and obtain financing. Tech gains as well as a variety of startups are working to solve these problems via blockchain networks, a market potentially worth US$3.31 trillion by 2023, according to research firm MarketsandMarkets.
Structured Finance & Project Finance, Exim Bank funding Insurance. Capital., DFC OPIC and Multilateral Funding, SBA Export Working Capital funding, MIGA Risk Insurance, Trade Finance: Credit. Insurance, Mortgage back Security, Rent to Own Agreement, Bonds & Green Bonds, and Stock and Asset Tokenization.
Blockchain-based Credit Export Risk Management:
Creates a blockchain-based hedging risk management channel between the vendor manufacturer and the international customer
to move resources back and forth.